After twelve years horsetrading, a voluntary agreement between the European Commission and Europe’s research bodies aims to get 27 national research systems functioning as one, and complete the European Research Area (ERA)
The capture and storage of industrial carbon dioxide can help Europe create a low-carbon economy by 2050, but a radical overhaul of Europe’s strategy is necessary say Science|Business symposium participants
Scientific articles based on Horizon 2020 funded research must be made available for free, says the Commssion. But there will be an exception for commercially sensitive raw data
The patent ruling in a financial case raises questions about the decision to invalidate two personalised medicines patents in the Prometheus case, says Rouget F. (Ric) Henschel
Brussels should deal only with the broad overarching strategy of the EU’s R&D agenda, with new scientific steering committees appointed to see to the details, key MEPs tell Science|Business
EU lawmakers want leading figures in Europe’s research and innovation programmes to make regular appearances before Parliament, influential MEPs tell Science|Business
Strasbourg should become the EU’s innovation capital, say MEPs. The proposal is an attempt to break the deadlock with France about the seat of the European Parliament
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