Instead of roaring ahead in the race for renewables, pursuing biofuels in Europe is a halting, cautious venture. Industry and policymakers met in Brussels this week to spark new life into the effort
Forced into a minor reshuffle after the Parliament’s rejection of Alenka Bratušek, Juncker accepts her replacement, Violeta Bulc. The fate of Hungary’s Tibor Navracsics remains an open question
There’s a five hour window to reduce the effects of a stroke by removing the blood clot that caused it. ACES winner Brainomix has automated the assessment of brain scans, increasing confidence in diagnosis and informing treatment decisions
Juncker will be forced to reshuffle the deck after MEPs reject Slovenia’s Alenka Bratušek, while Spain’s controversial nominee Miguel Arias Cañete gets the nod
As he warms up for his swan song, outgoing Commission President José Manuel Barroso is beginning to think about his legacy. The creation of the European Research Council and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology count among his greatest hits, he tells Science|Business
To realise the potential - and prevent the misuse - of digitised healthcare information, statistics and programming need to feature in medical training. And better security must be put in place to ensure patient privacy
Venture capital investment in EU start-ups is less than one-quarter of US level. Policy shift could help spur more innovation by allowing pension and insurance funds to channel a small fraction of their assets to venture funds
Tibor Navracsics was left with little time to discuss the education portfolio as MEPs questioned him on Hungary’s poor track-record in defending freedom of speech and the rule of law.
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