The EU has become more innovative in recent years and as a result the innovation gap with the US and Japan has been reduced. But Europe is still lagging, according the latest data from Eurostat
As part of a push towards a capital markets union, the EU ponders how to regulate a fast-growing market to increase confidence and promote mass investment
Registrations for new inventions at EPO are up for the fifth consecutive year, but Germany is the only EU country in the top five. Things look better at a corporate level, with five European companies in the top ten
The digital experience of Europeans depends on which country you are in. Performance varies from digital top players such as Denmark to lower-performance countries such as Romania, according to a new EU index
A new Science|Business report counts the benefits of big science and presents opinions from experts on how these projects can do even more to pay their way
Facilities including CERN, the European Southern Observatory and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory are joining forces to push advanced technologies they use in research into wider application and commercial products
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