The 2015 EU Innovation Union Scoreboard shows that almost half of the member states scored less than in previous years due to economic slowdown in the private sector
There are many potential commercial gems in the work being done by ERC grantees. European business angels looking for new investments should check it out
The European Strategic Policy Centre, which replaces the defunct BEPA service, has published two short papers dealing with Europe’s migration crisis and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
The scene is set for intense lobbying by scientists and journal publishing companies between now and the autumn, when long-awaited reforms of EU copyright law must address the contentious issue of text and data mining
The European Institute of Innovation & Technology has to swallow a painful 13 percent budget cut, starting with a €25M reduction this year. This will be a spur to become self-financing, the institute says
Europe’s €3B Innovation Medicines Initiative faced scrutiny over pharma companies’ contributions to the programme in the European Parliament this week – and passed the test.
It is easier to win an award from the €1.2B Eurostars programme than Horizon 2020 SME Instrument grants, but you need to find international partners before applying
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