It’s unclear to what extent tech companies will sign up to the voluntary guidelines, and exactly how it will fit with the EU’s AI Act. But there are signs the EU and US approaches should be interoperable
Greater integration between research and technology transfer at Cancer Research UK is supporting the formation of more start-ups and fostering the development of an international network of academic partners with complementary skills and capabilities
EU research commissioner Mariya Gabriel hopes to open negotiations with Japan and South Korea, and foresees Canada will be on board the EU’s €95.5B research programme in the first half of the year
Hungarian minister Tibor Navracsics says the government is open to changing the structure of public trust foundations to appease EU rule of law concerns
Washington has cut off access to leading artificial intelligence and supercomputing components to stymie Chinese military prowess. But this will have knock on effects on research
Beyond is a new initiative seeking to create stronger links between investors, accelerators and founders and narrow the gap between mature and emerging start-up ecosystems
Croatia is building a broad community of artificial intelligence innovators, start-ups, and early adopters that it hopes will give it an edge as AI becomes as common as the internet
First results of a new approach to research assessment introduced as part of reforms to bring its higher education system into line with EU standards led to multiple appeals. Earlier this month an expert group met education minister Przemysław Czarnek, to consider improvements
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