These updates are republished press releases and communications from members of the Science|Business Network. Network Updates can be sent to [email protected] and [email protected]. To know if your content piece qualifies as Network Update, check the editorial guidelines here.

Cambridge academics vote for new IP plan

Cambridge University is tightening its grip on rights to intellectual property generated by staff and students after academics voted overwhelmingly to endorse new plans
12 Dec 2005

First find an agent

University tech transfer offices should stop trying to do the impossible, says Biofusion CEO David Baynes.
07 Dec 2005

Lab Notes

On inventive Californians, technology transfer, how to approach the business press, and other insights into R&D management.
07 Dec 2005

Cambridge split over new IP proposals

Cambridge University wants rights to the intellectual property generated by its staff. The idea has divided scientists in a university well known for its high-tech spin-outs.
07 Dec 2005

Yeast collector looks to culture partnerships

The UK's National Collection of Yeast Cultures is looking for partners to help it to delve into research on using yeast to contribute to cutting edge science such as fingerprint DNA identification or drug delivery systems
07 Dec 2005