These updates are republished press releases and communications from members of the Science|Business Network. Network Updates can be sent to [email protected] and [email protected]. To know if your content piece qualifies as Network Update, check the editorial guidelines here.

Hydrogen goes nuclear

The nuclear industry really is interested in playing a role in the hydrogen economy, and meets regularly to review progress.
09 Aug 2006

No fuel like an old fuel cell

Is the UK really neglecting a clean source of energy? Before throwing money into fuel cells, potential investors might like to ask where the energy comes from.
05 Aug 2006

Technology Priorities for the UK

The Department of Trade and Industry has set out a new set of priorities for its investment in R&D. The usual mixed bag, with a nod towards climate change.
03 Aug 2006

After the float: Imperial Innovations

How will Imperial College London's newly floated tech-transfer affiliate invest its stock-market millions? After raising the money, now comes the fun part: spending it.
01 Aug 2006

The spin on electronics

It is a hard life being an electronics business, they just keep changing the science under you. This time around we have a combination of electronics and spin – and that has nothing to do with PR.
01 Aug 2006