UCL Advances, launched in August 2007 to develop new links between University College London, UK, and businesses of all kinds and to promote a culture of entrepreneurship and business interaction, is holding a half-day forum on the future of energy and sustainability.
“The crisis that society now faces in the long term management of limited energy resources is widely accepted. Too often, however, critical new developments are not shared across different industries and academic disciplines,” says UCL.
Subtitled “Markets, Technology and Innovative Companies”, the meeting takes place in London on 26 June 2008 between 1.30pm and 7.30pm. It will focus on the variety of ways in which industry, academia and government can work together to meet the challenge of climate change and to respond to the new opportunities that are appearing.
The event will showcase the latest business developments, academic research and entrepreneurial activities in this critical area of rapid change. UCL Advances hopes that it will stimulate new relationships between businesses, researchers and investors that will lead to new business and investment opportunities for the benefit of enterprise and society as a whole.
Participation is free but places are strictly limited.