These updates are republished press releases and communications from members of the Science|Business Network. Network Updates can be sent to [email protected] and [email protected]. To know if your content piece qualifies as Network Update, check the editorial guidelines here.

Cracks exposed as India enforces IP laws

As it engages with global markets India’s self-interests in IP are shifting. The result is a surge in litigation as differences of opinion emerge within local companies, think tanks and advocacy groups.
06 Mar 2007

Can VCs mix profit and sustainability?

A new and fast-growing sector of the private equity market aims to fund companies that put sustainability at their heart. A first survey of the field shows how.
01 Mar 2007

Science site goes Spanish

The European science and technology information service AlphaGalileo will add Spanish to its site after an agreement with Spain’s national body for promoting public understanding of science.
27 Feb 2007