Invitation to seminar 26 June 2019.
The Research Council of Norway has in collaboration with The Mission of Norway to the EU the pleasure to invite you to an Arctic seminar in Brussels on Wednesday 26 June from 11:00 -13:15, followed by a networking lunch.
The future of the Arctic is characterised by major challenges connected to the big changes in the climate and environment, but also great possibilities. A sustainable development in the Arctic will require international collaboration. Decisions need to be made on a solid knowledge base as pointed out both in the EU's and Norway's white papers for the Arctic.
This seminar will provide you with overviews of both the EU's and Norway's policy priorities for the Arctic. Furthermore, the seminar gives you the opportunity to be updated on the newest Norwegian research strategies for the Arctic region, including Svalbard, to meet these challenges, and the close connections with EU's future research priorities in the Arctic. There will be also be comments from our Nordic neighbours, based on their own perspectives and priorities.
The seminar will include discussions on the importance of research for developing a future sustainable Arctic and how Norway, as one of the leading countries in Arctic research, can contribute to EU's ambitions for the area. All participants are welcome to a networking lunch, immediately after the seminar.
26 June 11:00 – 13:15, Norway House, Rue Archimède 17, 1000 Brussels
- Welcome: John-Arne Røttingen (tbc), Chief Executive, The Research Council of Norway
- Norway's Arctic Policy: Eirik Nestås Mathisen, Minister Counsellor, Mission of Norway to the EU
- EU's Arctic priorities: Marie-Anne Coninsx, EU Ambassador at large for the Arctic, European External Action Service
- Dialogue and Q&A
- New Norwegian research priorities for the High North and Svalbard: Fridtjof Fossum Unander, Executive Director, The Research Council of Norway
- Future EU research priorities in the Arctic: Head of Unit, Sigi Gruber (tbc), DG RTD
- Dialogue and Q&A
- Norwegian contributions to Arctic research (speaker tbc)
- Nordic perspectives on the role of Arctic research, comments from the Finnish presidency (speaker tbc)
- Dialogue and Q&A, all speakers
Networking lunch 13:15 - 14:00