NCBR launches €22M call for proposals on nutrition research and innovation

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The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) has announced the first call under the government programme NUTRITECH, defined as nutrition in the light of the challenges of improving the well-being of society and climate change. Entrepreneurs and scientists can obtain attractive grants, including for the development of modern nutritional solutions constituting the basis of a healthy diet, as well as solutions important in the treatment and prevention of diseases, including lifestyle disease. The main goal of the NUTRITECH programme is to increase the availability of products and solutions for proper nutrition by 2030, which will be achieved thanks to the implementation of the results of research and innovation, taking into account the principles of sustainable development.

The NUTRITECH program aims for the implementation of developed solutions, such as pro-health products, nutritional plans, processes, technologies and accompanying services, which will help reduce the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases, including diet-related diseases, and thus serve the right nutrition and are preventive. The second group of solutions - in the form of personalized diets, pro-health products, supporting tools and services – is to be offered to people already struggling with such diseases. The third sub-objective of the programme is to inspire the market to apply the principles of sustainable development in the production and distribution of healthy food.

These objectives are consistent with the thematic scope of the first NUTRITECH call, which covers three areas:

  • nutrigenomics and biomedicine as tools supporting the fight against chronic non-communicable diseases, including diet-related diseases;
  • food for the treatment and prevention of diseases;
  • technological and economic aspects of proper nutrition.

Funding is available for industrial research, experimental development and pre-implementation works. Eligible are companies, their consortia or industrial and scientific partnerships.

The NCBR’s call for proposals will be open between 6 July – 30 September 2022 with a budget of EUR 22 million.

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