EIT Manufacturing: Industry organisations want to play strategic role in the EU’s Clean Industrial Deal

20 Feb 2025 | Network Updates | Update from EIT Manufacturing
These updates are republished press releases and communications from members of the Science|Business Network

In a key step towards strengthening Europe’s industrial strategy, European industrial organisations, have jointly addressed a letter to Executive Vice-President for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy, Stéphane Séjourné, urging the European Commission to include advanced manufacturing within the framework of the Clean Industrial Deal. The associations call for a dedicated strategy for advanced manufacturing and highlight its role in enhancing Europe’s global competitiveness, security and resilience - as recommended in the Industrial Forum Task Force 5 report[1].

The timing of this letter, co-signed by CECIMO, Orgalim, Europabio, Vanguard Initiative, EFFRA and EIT Manufacturing, aligns with the launch of European Union’s (EU) Competitiveness Compass, published on 29 January 2025. The Competitiveness Compass is designed to boost the EU’s industrial resilience, innovation and global competitiveness. One of the key action points turning this vision into reality is the development of a joint roadmap for decarbonisation and competitiveness which has at its core the upcoming Clean Industrial Deal, aimed to position the EU as an attractive location for clean technology and new circular business models. 

As already emphasised by EIT Manufacturing, in their joint paper with EFFRA and Manufuture in October 2024, advanced manufacturing holds the potential of being a key driver in supporting the EU achieve its green and digital transition goals. It is a driver of high value and disruptive innovation, enabling industries to advance in process automation and production efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and facilitating the design and production of complex structures that conventional processes cannot manufacture. 

The joint paper from October 2024 is not the first to mention the importance of advanced manufacturing in rebuilding Europe’s competitive advantage. According to the report of Task Force 5 of the Industrial Forum[2]sectors that do not transform their manufacturing models in time risk losing their future competitiveness. Should Europe fail to deploy series of key industrial technologies at scale, corporate value added of €2 trillion to €4 trillion a year is at stake by 2040.[3]

Despite this strong emphasis, the deployment of such solutions in Europe is not progressing fast enough. About 44,100 firms worldwide have been engaging in advanced manufacturing activities during 2009-2023. The distribution of advanced manufacturing related firms across the globe is rather concentrated, 45% in China, 17% in US and 10% in EU.[4]

“A competitive, secure, and resilient Europe depends on a strong manufacturing industry. Advanced manufacturing plays a vital role in improving efficiency and productivity across key sectors. To ensure global competitiveness, the Clean Industrial Deal must recognise its potential and harness its strengths and opportunities.“- commented Caroline Viarouge, CEO EIT Manufacturing.

The Clean Industrial Deal presents an opportunity to acknowledge advanced manufacturing as a key enabler of the EU’s industrial strategy. By placing strategic focus on advanced manufacturing, Europe can unlock significant potential for innovation, sustainability and economic growth. The collective voice of industry leaders is clear: including advanced manufacturing in the Clean Industrial Deal is key to achieving EU’s vision.

[1] [1] Industrial Forum, https://single-market-economy.ec.europa.eu/industry/strategy/industrial-policy-dialogue-and-expert-advice_en

[2] Task Force 5 report on Advanced Manufacturing, https://www.eitmanufacturing.eu/news-events/news/advanced-manufacturing-at-the-heart-of-a-resilient-sustainable-and-competitive-europe/

[3] Task Force 5 report on Advanced Manufacturing, https://www.eitmanufacturing.eu/news-events/news/advanced-manufacturing-at-the-heart-of-a-resilient-sustainable-and-competitive-europe/

[4] Strategic insights into the EU's advanced manufacturing industry, JRC, https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/c173af2d-7ae8-11ef-bbbe-01aa75ed71a1/language-en

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