Science|Business Database: Coronavirus Funding Opportunities

This database is no longer being updated.

As a service to the global R&D community, Science|Business has compiled this database of funding opportunities. Users are encouraged to let us know of funding calls that could be incorporated into the database. Please email all suggestions to [email protected]. The database will be updated daily. For rapid news about COVID-19, see our live blog.

Advanced computing resources for research into COVID-19

Date added:

PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, wants to hear how its resources can contribute to the mitigation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Resources vary
Agency or Funder
Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe
Eligibility (if available)

Academia, Research institutes, Commercial organisations based in Europe

Foreign participation? (where known)

Call for COVID-19 medical or non-medical research projects: CLOSED

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The proposals focused on prevention, diagnostics, treatment and/or (medical or non-medical) consequences of COVID-19.

Agency or Funder
Ghent University
Eligibility (if available)

Ghent University staff or visiting professors only.

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline

Consortia sought to accelerate developments on COVID-19

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The projects will focus on prophylactics, therapeutics and diagnostics to contribute in the short term to dealing with the current outbreak. Proposals must be made by a consortium to increase their likelihood of impact.

€50,000 - €300,000 per project
Agency or Funder
Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen (FWO)
Eligibility (if available)

Private companies, academia, international organisations, public bodies (preferably including a Flemish hospital or a Belgian government agency active in the field of care and public health)

Date application deadline

Grants available for researchers in Belgium

Date added:

Funding to support reasearchers from FNRS and universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. Priorities lie on epidemiological and translational studies, immunology and prevention of the virus.

Agency or Funder
Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS)
Eligibility (if available)

Researchers from FNRS or the six universities part of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (ULB, UCLouvain, ULiege, UMons, UNamur, USL)

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline