Technology transfer

How to fix Europe's broken innovation machine

Why do so many European inventions get lost in the move from lab to market? Science|Business suggests 9 simple ways that European leaders could fix that problem – for the benefit of Europe’s economy.
09 Oct 2006

Talent and intellectual property

In its last issue, the Economist presents a survey on talent and the difficulties of finding and keeping it. As usual, it is an instructive and stimulating piece. In my case, it stimulated my thoughts about the relationships between talent and intellectual property (IP).
09 Oct 2006

Equity gap 'smokescreen for ineptitude'

An obsession with the equity gap is obscuring the real reasons why universities are failing to commercialise their research, says one of the UK's leading spin-out investors.
03 Oct 2006

An online marketplace for science

This week, Science|Business launches an initiative to improve the process of innovation in Europe – an online marketplace to link scientists and industry.
20 Sep 2006