The value of the economic stimulus remains a hotly debated topic in the US, but the White House is claiming success in energy and other innovative fields.
Don’t punish companies that fail to deliver risky projects. Help them do better next time, says David Bott, Director of Innovation Programmes at the Technology Strategy Board.
The UK’s Human Genetic Commission has drawn up a set of principles for consumer gene testing that it hopes can form the basis of an international code of practice.
Frank Gannon, Director General of Science Foundation Ireland, is to leave his post a year early to become Director and CEO of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research.
A partnership has been forged between the Wellcome Trust and the Department of Biotechnology in India to support the development of new healthcare products in India.
Genomics is turbo-charging traditional plant and animal breeding. But can new varieties get patent protection, ask Nicholas Jones and Rachel Wallis of Withers & Rogers LLP.
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