The sinking of Nokia prompted the innovation and technology agency Tekes to move its chips onto video-gaming. The sector now accounts for 10% of the country’s IT output
A submarine designed and built by engineering students at the University of Warwick was awarded 1st Prize for Innovation at the 2015 the International Submarine Races (ISR)
The taxi company bounces back after its latest set-back in Europe. Meanwhile, lawmakers in Brussels are exploring their options for regulating the service
The 2015 EU Innovation Union Scoreboard shows that almost half of the member states scored less than in previous years due to economic slowdown in the private sector
It is easier to win an award from the €1.2B Eurostars programme than Horizon 2020 SME Instrument grants, but you need to find international partners before applying
The Mastering Innovation Management (MIM) programme is organised by the European Industrial Research Management Association (EIRMA) in partnership with the Vlerick Business School, in order to inspire and equip R&D managers with methodology and practical tools to shape the future of global innovation
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