Higher education

The OECD and Aalto University discuss enterprise

This week Aalto University hosted the OECD ‘What works’ Conference. The theme of the event was entrepreneurship and higher education. Over the course of two days of seminars, lectures, and workshops, experts in the field shared their experiences and ideas about best practice in an inspirational atmosphere.

University education must be the mother of re-invention

The interdisciplinary vision of the future that inspired the formation of Aalto University has arrived. This has profound implications for undergraduate education, says the university’s President, Tuula Teeri. Students must be equipped to re-invent themselves, she tells Science|Business

Harnessing the fantastic power of students

Forget the theory: students are inspired by problem-solving and turning know-how into entrepreneurship. Even dissent is a focus for innovation, says John Einar Hustad of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology