Regrets, she has a few, but the real fault lies with politicians that remain tied to an analogue mind-set. The result is a two-speed Europe, says Neelie Kroes as she retires as Digital Commissioner – to be replaced by three men
Juncker will be forced to reshuffle the deck after MEPs reject Slovenia’s Alenka Bratušek, while Spain’s controversial nominee Miguel Arias Cañete gets the nod
Tibor Navracsics was left with little time to discuss the education portfolio as MEPs questioned him on Hungary’s poor track-record in defending freedom of speech and the rule of law.
Billed as the hearing of the week, Spain’s Commissioner-to-be faced a cacophonous European Parliament. A strong hold on the energy and climate change brief saw him pick up some admirers, but it may not be enough
Vytenis Andriukaitis pledges to widen access to innovative healthcare across the EU and to keep the highest health and food safety standards in a more equal ‘Health Union’
With small business nervous about delays in getting paid for EU contracts, failure to find a solution “would seriously put into question the reputation of the EU as a reliable funder of research,” says Máire Geoghegan-Quinn
The lack of innovation portfolios at the top of the new European Commission has a simple solution: name science and innovation advisors to each Vice President
One in five adults in Europe has low literacy and numeracy skills, and even a university degree does not guarantee a high level of essential skills. Immediate action is required to bring our skills-set up to scratch, says the Commission
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