
European biotech bounces back

Ernst & Young’s 21st annual analysis of the standing of the biotechnology industry shows grounds for cautious optimism as European biotech perked up after a miserable four years of restructuring.
17 Apr 2007

Europe’s GM crops row ignites anew

A tale of two cities: as the industry in Lyon trumpeted the benefits of biotech, MEPs in Strasbourg looked the other way, and declined to debate them
13 Mar 2007

The lights come on for European tech

For European tech start-ups, 2006 was the year that the traffic lights for money switched from red to yellow. Yet to be seen is whether they finally go green next year.
12 Dec 2006

Big pharma digs deep to fill pipelines

Big pharma is hungry, and is paying biotechs breathtaking prices to fill its pipelines. This made for a heady atmosphere at BioEurope in Düsseldorf this week.
07 Nov 2006

Where have all the risk-takers gone?

European venture capitalists are no longer prepared to take any risk with their investments, undermining the biotech sector. That, anyway, is the opinion of many a frustrated biotech entrepreneur.
05 Sep 2006