Science|Business Reporting

Help older people access the Internet

With more and more services available over the Web, those without access are at an increasing disadvantage. An EU-funded programme is plotting a route across this digital divide, helping SMEs develop products and empowering older people
06 Mar 2013

Single patent takes another step forward

Ministers from 24 countries signed the agreement establishing a single court to deal with patent disputes. It’s an important advance for the Single Patent – but now for the hard part - securing national ratification in time for the first patent to be granted in April 2014
19 Feb 2013

Plotting the shifts in Europe’s innovation ecosystem

Academics, SMEs and large companies are doing much more research in partnership. Science|Business looks back at some of the highlights of the move to open innovation in 2012, and the policy initiatives that are supporting this
20 Dec 2012

European cell therapy pioneer makes further advance

This week TiGenix reported positive safety data for its stem cell therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. The news highlights the potential of regenerative medicine as Science|Business publishes a special report examining how Europe can build on its leading position in this fast-paced field of research
19 Dec 2012