The State of Victoria, Australia, population 5 million, wants to be in the top five for biotech by 2010 – and it’s building a synchrotron to help it get there.
The international patents system is emerging a key engine of economic development, according to the latest annual report of the World Intellectual Property Organization.
The biotech industry needs to take a lesson from the film industry and develop investment vehicles that make it possible to pool intellectual property, says a US think tank.
The Swedish Research Council has announced the formation of the first centreswhich are designed to link leading groups in basic science with industry and the public sector.
The search for a solution to Europe’s innovation woes is shifting to new ground. Next week’s EU summit will finger public procurement as the engine to drive innovation.
An obsession with the equity gap is obscuring the real reasons why universities are failing to commercialise their research, says one of the UK's leading spin-out investors.
The patents juggernaut chugs out of the lay-by as Charlie McCreevy sets out his latest vision following the large scale consultation that took place earlier this year.
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