Leaders of giant radio telescope project look forward to a year of milestones, including signing a treaty to give SKA intergovernmental status, smoothing its funding outlook
Campaign against a multi-billion euro plan enlists over 400 researchers around Europe and further afield. Rather than weapons, the EU should fund research to tackle the root causes of conflict, they say
New investment vehicle seeded with €410M of public money aims to attract pension funds and sovereign wealth funds to back early-stage companies and help them reach €1B ‘unicorn’ status in Europe
Rising support for populist parties is disrupting the politics of member states. A leaked plan for FP9 proposes a bigger focus on research to understand the roots of populism and how it may be defused
Coalition urges EU leaders to boost research spending in Framework Programme 9, saying the current budget in Horizon 2020 has fallen well behind rising demand
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