Around 4% of the population suffers from ‘amusia’ – a disorder affecting the perception and production of pitch in music. Understanding this phenomenon could help a seemingly unrelated group: people with autism.
ERC researcher Michael Ellison is bringing classical Turkish and Western musicians together at a big scientific conference, to show the intersections between two very different musical traditions.
Researchers make the case for businesses based on breakthrough science funded by the EU and consider how to raise the private capital needed to speed innovations to market
Erik van Sebille, an oceanographer and climate scientist at Utrecht University runs a European Research Council-funded project called TOPIOS (Tracking Of Plastic In Our Seas). Its goal is to vastly improve our understanding of the way plastic litter moves through our oceans.
A suite of new “augmented reality” apps showing cool scientific research were rolled out by ERC=Science2, an EU-funded project to promote science funded by the European Research Council.
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