
A Manifesto for an e-Healthier Europe

eHealth provides the means to reduce costs and improve the quality of our healthcare systems. It is now time for policy makers to take concrete measures to scale-up and accelerate adoption of technologies for real impact, says Elena Bonfiglioli

How to plan Europe’s energy future

Researchers, academic policy experts and commission officials gathered in Brussels on 23 November to explore a systems approach to energy innovation at a Science|Business symposium

How to plan Europe's energy future

At the third in a series of high-level academic policy debates on the energy R&D challenge, The Energy Difference, key ideas and recommendations have emerged on how to plan a sustainable and cost-effective energy future for Europe.

Is pharma R&D earning its investment?

They are some of the largest spenders on research. But now, as pharmaceutical companies look to external collaboration and in-licensed products to fuel innovation, the internal R&D operation is having to justify the return on investment for the first time