Third generation cognitive computing is making sense of data mountains and starting to deliver remarkable improvements in healthcare. Now, sensitively calibrated data protection rules are needed – to reassure patients and protect privacy, whilst allowing progress to continue
Following a positive ruling on patents and a decision to maintain funding for embryonic stem cell research in Horizon 2020, things are looking up for regenerative medicine. Now further support is needed to deliver on the therapeutic potential, experts say in a Science|Business Webinar
Following a positive ruling on patents and a decision to maintain funding for embryonic stem cell research in Horizon 2020, experts say that things are looking up for regenerative medicine.
Henry Chesbrough, leading scholar of ‘open innovation’, to form European Innovation Forum to improve the management of innovation in Europe. In collaboration with ESADE Business School and Science|Business Innovation Board.
Laurent Mieville, director of technology transfer at the University of Geneva, talks about the differences between US and European models of tech transfer.
An OECD conference highlights the hottest trend in corporate R&D. But take heed: in business or politics, beware too much success, says Richard L. Hudson.
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