
Aalto University coordinates sustainable development project

Aalto University has been selected to coordinate the Rio+20 Implementation in the Nordic Higher Education Institutes project, which aims to improve the implementation of and policy instruments related to sustainable development in Nordic Higher Education Institutes. Another aim is to encourage higher education institutes to adopt the principles of sustainability.

Karolinska Institute offers world class MOOCs

One of the world's leading medical universities, Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, now offers online MOOCs (massive open online courses). This gives hundreds of thousands of students worldwide access to the university's leading edge expertise.

Chalmers has a new strategy for its research infrastructure

Funding of expensive research equipment is in the process of changing in Sweden. To ensure that Chalmers researchers have access to the best conceivable equipment in light of the transition now under way, Chalmers has put forward a plan of action.

ETH Zurich will do research on flying robots and new memory architectures

ETH Zurich and EPFL are jointly entering into a new research partnership with Microsoft Research. Over five years, Microsoft Research will provide five million Swiss francs of funding to support IT research projects. Microsoft researchers will also work closely with the scientists at the two universities.

Don’t let data protection kill research

Amendments to the European Data Protection regulation proposed in response to revelations of blanket electronic eavesdropping by the US must be dropped. If not, major international research projects in cancer, obesity and Alzheimer’s disease will come to a stop, say R&D funding bodies

Join forces to save the world

Technology alone will not fix global problems such as climate change, food and water shortages, soil erosion or the rising tide of chronic disease. What’s needed is more dialogue and interchange between the natural and the social sciences