Joint statement by over 50 institutions says new council should not advise EU Commission on innovation policy or be a one stop shop for competitions run through Brussels
Ahead of Horizon 2020’s midpoint review next year, researchers express concern that there’s too much focus on corporate innovation, jobs and economic growth – to the detriment of science
The proposed multibillion-euro science cloud could become an expensive drain, like the Galileo satellite navigation project, fears Swedish MEP Christofer Fjellner
The development of computer vision, machine learning and robotics has come a long way but there remains a lot of work to merge the technologies into a functioning integrated system to give us truly smart robots
Tibor Navracsics tells EIT conference the Institute has his ‘total support’ to make fast and far-reaching reforms. Research Commissioner Carlos Moedas meanwhile says his European Innovation Council will not compete with EIT
Christian Ehler, at a Science|Business event, predicts a small funding rise for Horizon 2020’s successor, and a European Innovation Council pilot in 2018 or 2019
A team of bioscience engineers is experimenting with a miniature solar panel that produces hydrogen gas, thus supplying both electricity and fuel. Hydrogen gas can also reduce CO2 on a large scale and convert it into useful substances
After getting caught in the crosshairs of the Snowden revelations, data protection reform finally got the nod. But some researchers say new rules passed last week could lead to inconsistent practices across Europe
The UK science community places a high value on being in Europe. Collaboration, funding, facilities and policy, make EU membership a key part of the country’s outstanding science base, says a report from the UK's House of Lords
Breakthroughs take time - and EIT needs more time and more support to prove it can deliver, says former director of the Climate-KIC's UK arm, Richard Templer
After its damning report, Alex Brenninkmeijer, member of the European Court of Auditors, shares his thoughts on what is wrong with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, and the prospects for the future
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