David Alcock of the Patent Attorneys D Young & Co addresses concerns that a recent patent judgment undermines the concept of evergreening, even though Tate & Lyle’s US patents to Sucralose are valid.
The world’s five major patent offices are to join forces to banish duplication, make examination procedures more efficient and improve international patent rights.
Increased patent filings China, South Korea and the US drove growth in worldwide filing of patent applications to 1.76 million in 2006 a 4.9 percent increase over 2005.
The UK High Court issued its judgment Eli Lilly & Co v Human Genome Sciences Inc, the first UK case to decide the validity of a gene sequence patent discovered through bioinformatics.
Two days were reserved by the European Patent Office to hear an appeal over the application for a stem cell patent. But only one was needed in the end.
Supreme Court Rulings and patent reform are making it harder to defend patents in the US – and biotechs are falling back on trade secrets to protect their IP.
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