New leadership introduces changes in the Commission’s research directorate, as it gears up to start work on the proposal for the next seven-year EU framework research programme
MEP draws on parliament’s success in securing an extra €85M for research in 2024, asking stakeholders tomake a bigger budget for Framework programme 10 a priority in their national campaigns for the 2024 European elections
As things stand, the country’s national contact points have to juggle their day jobs with helping researchers to win funding. Creating a professional network is now on the cards, but it may take some time
Over 40 years, the EU’s flagship research programmes have drifted from their early focus on collaborative, pre-competitive R&D benefiting industry and society. A Swedish expert on the programme calls for a rethink
French MEP Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield has a ‘creative’ answer to the current stalemate, saying rule of law concerns could be circumvented by handing the management of EU research funding to an independent body
After a slow start, the new instrument allowing partners in Widening countries to join a project after it starts is beginning to have an impact – but reservations remain about the way the scheme is being run
Draft documents seen by Science|Business suggest governments want to strike a different balance between basic and applied research, more strategic international cooperation, and better synergy with other funding streams in the next EU research programme
As talks on cooking up the next EU framework programme get underway, the head of France’s largest research organisation shares his wish list for the future of European R&I policy
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