Officials say Commission is divided on loaded question of excluding close EU partners UK and Israel from quantum and space research - and voice concerns at how the row is delaying rollout of Horizon Europe
Researchers stunned as draft Horizon Europe work programme shuts out close research partners. ‘This is not in Europe’s interest’ says leading quantum physicist
Emmanuel Macron lays out a €1.8B strategy to slingshot the country into becoming a quantum powerhouse, as Germany draws up a €2B programme of quantum research as part of its pandemic recovery plan
€2B from the country’s pandemic recovery fund is to be spent on quantum technology as Germany leads a European push to move the field from research to the mainstream
‘Hope is strengthened’, says physicist Tommaso Calarco, one of the driving forces behind the EU’s €1B Quantum flagship. Start-ups are beginning ‘to sprout like mushrooms’
The EU’s €1B ten-year Quantum Technologies Flagship finally got off the ground with the award of €132M spread across 20 projects. But is it too little, too late?
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