Since the ‘AI made in Europe’ strategy launched in February 2020, the US has pulled further ahead. The EU’s problem is a lack of scale and focus. The answer is to adopt CERN’s approach to running large, coordinated and highly ambitious projects
Politicians must not be allowed to harness fears around artificial intelligence to divide people, says Dragoș Tudorache MEP, who is leading Europe’s charge to regulate this powerful technology
EU officials say economic security assessments are a first step towards gaining competitive edge in semiconductors, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and biotechnology
A dedicated unit, a debate in the European Research Area Forum and pilot projects are in the works, as the Commission looks to set European guidelines for science’s AI revolution. Now member states need to ‘wake up’ to ensure rules don’t diverge
Shared values and principles did not stop the US and Europe going down different paths in data protection legislation. There is a risk that despite moves to promote harmonisation the same thing will happen in AI
In her speech to MEPs, Ursula von der Leyen also called for an equivalent body to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, with a brief to ‘set minimum global standards” for safe and ethical use of AI
As AI tools spread in the scientific world, we risk the tech giants coming to dominate the resulting ‘meta’ science. It’s time to ensure public research stays in the public sphere, argues Ramon Wyss of KTH
Tools like ChatGPT can give instructions on how to find, synthesise and order deadly pathogens, albeit incomplete ones. Biologists now want more involvement in the training and testing of AI models, while some worry that science’s culture of openness might need to change
Research ministry says funding will hit nearly €500M in 2024, an increase of €200M over last year. But companies worry about deployment, and there’s concern that EU efforts still aren’t joined up enough
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