Semiconductor summer school attracts talent to the Netherlands

03 Sep 2024 | News

With the chips industry facing a skills shortage, Eindhoven University of Technology ran the five-day programme for a second year

Christophe Fouquet, CEO of ASML, addressing the summer school students. Photo credits: TU/e, Bart van Overbeeke Fotografie

Sixty students from around the world spent last week in Eindhoven visiting some of the leading players in the semiconductor and photonics industries, attending talks by industry specialists and visiting professors, and working on a team challenge, as the global race to attract talent heats up.

From 26-30 August, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) hosted the bachelor and masters’ students as part of the Eindhoven Semicon summer school, which was set up to attract top talent to the region where the university and several major chip companies including ASML and NXP are located.

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