North vs south: Horizon success rates defy familiar east-west divide

04 Mar 2025 | News

We examine which countries get the largest share of proposals approved, and the most excellent proposals turned down 

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Horizon Europe has a massive oversubscription problem. Around 70% of projects submitted are marked as excellent and thus worthy of funding. But only 16.5% secure grants. For others, there is simply not enough money. 

In this tough competition for funding, some countries do better than others. Mapped out, it appears that southern Europe and the continent’s eastern flank have the lowest rates of success. 

Up in the very north, researchers in Iceland fare best in Horizon Europe, with a whopping 23% success rate. They do especially well in climate, energy and mobility projects, for which their success rate reaches 33%. 

The only other two European countries to exceed a 22% success rate are Belgium, and somewhat defying the trend, Moldova. The country has performed particularly well in competitions for health projects and calls for support projects that aim to improve the EU research system, funded under a…