First Chips Act pilot line launches open-access call

25 Mar 2025 | News

Academic and industry users invited to exploit European strengths in energy efficient semiconductor technologies 

Photo credits: A. Aubert / CEA

Fames, one of five semiconductor pilot lines announced under the EU Chips Act, has launched its first open-access call for researchers and companies seeking to test new chip designs.

“It’s a comprehensive offer that goes from the modelling to the silicon, [plus] some special modules that can allow you to stack integrated circuits and make systems, and also training,” said Susana Bonnetier, the pilot line’s open access chairperson.

Design houses, fab-less companies, chip foundries, integrated device manufacturers, material and tool supplies, universities and research centres are all encouraged to apply.

The €830 million pilot line is coordinated by CEA-Leti, the French public research institute for electronics and information technologies, based in Grenoble. It brings together…