The 15th call for proposals from the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) yielded 76 eligible proposals of which 46 have been awarded a total of 1.7 thousand million core hours.
This brings the total number of projects that have gained access to high performance computing through PRACE to 570.
Taking into account two multi-year projects from the 13th call that were renewed and 8.6 million core hours reserved for centres of excellence, the total amount of computing time awarded by PRACE to date is nearly 16 thousand million core hours.
PRACE was established to enable high impact scientific discovery and engineering research and development, by offering world class computing and data management resources and services through a peer review process.
The 46 projects awarded computer time in the 15th call are led by principal investigators from 12 different European countries and a number involve co-investigators from the US and Russia.
Among the winning projects, four are in biochemistry, bioinformatics and life sciences; 18 in chemical sciences and materials; two in earth system sciences; eight in to engineering; eight in fundamental constituents of matter; and six in universe sciences.
The largest allocation of 122.4 million core hours was awarded to Javier Jimenez of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid for a project on simulations of wall-bounded flows.
Thomas Kluge of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf was awarded the second largest allocation, of 109 million core hours, for research in 3D particle-in-cell simulations to better understand the fundamental principles of plasma dynamics.
Two of the projects getting access to high performance computing through PRACE are linked to the EU’s Graphene Flagship programme. ‘Charge transport in perovskite solar cells’, which will be led by Feliciano Giustino, received 20 million core hours, while a project on ‘Optical properties of high-performance monolayer and multilayer materials’, led by Nicola Marzari, received 30 million core hours.
A collaboration between industry and academia was awarded 68.5 million core hours for a project led by Cenaero, a public/private R&D centre in aeronautics/combustion based in Belgium. The project will involve NUMECA International, a private company specialising in computational fluid dynamics and the University of Bergamo in Italy.
In addition, PRACE awarded resources to eight European Research Council-funded projects, one COST Action, two Marie Sklodowska Curie funded projects, eight Horizon 2020 and one Framework Programme 7 funded projects, amongst others.
Full details of the winners: http://www.prace-ri.eu/prace-15th-project-call/