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Shaping up basic research for translation to market

While the European Research Council exists to fund excellent basic science, its proof of concept grants allow researchers to go one step further and embark on the path to commercialisation. A spinout formed as a result has been named ‘Most Investible Company’
03 Dec 2015

How to develop a good tech transfer office

As universities come under increasing pressure to demonstrate the wider impact of their research, Science|Business brings together some of Europe’s most experienced technology transfer offices to discuss the dos and don’ts
03 Dec 2015

New Barcelona Declaration at Science|Business conference calls for more EU climate action

The new ‘Mission Innovation’ to boost energy R&D announced in Paris is good - but the EU isn’t formally a part of it and more needs to be done at the collective, European level. The Barcelona Climate Declaration, launched Nov. 20 at ESADE Business School by the Science|Business Network of universities and companies, calls for a doubling of EU R&D funding in this area as part of a broad, research and innovation-based action plan against climate change.
01 Dec 2015

How to solve the climate puzzle

Experts at Science|Business roundtable say innovations in technology, business, social models and policy are needed for real climate action
30 Nov 2015

Small increase for UK science budget

Scientists express relief as government says the research budget will rise in line with inflation. But innovation grants will be turned to loans, a £1B carbon capture scheme is axed and some R&D spending is shifted to the overseas aid budget
26 Nov 2015