Science researchers across Europe sign open letter condemning the Trump administration for its limitations on the open exchange of people and ideas

17 Feb 2017 | Network Updates
EuroScience, the non-profit grassroots association of researchers in Europe, has sent the politicians of Europe an open letter on behalf of 46 leading science organisations highlighting the negative impact of the ongoing policy reorientation under President Donald Trump and his administration on future scientific progress.

The letter calls for European political and scientific communities to work closely with their counterparts in the US administration to maintain a global science system based on the open exchange of people and ideas. 

The letter, copied in full below, has been sent to President of the European Council Donald Tusk, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and EU Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation Carlos Moedas, as well as the Prime Ministers and ministers responsible for science of all EU member states and those of Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Serbia.

Peter Tindemans, EuroScience secretary-general, said: “It is very heartening to see the very wide support our Open Letter to European governments and the European Commission to stand firm for the principles and values of science which are at the basis of the global science system has received. European academies, learned societies, universities, funding and performing organisations or grassroots organisations of scientists are keen to preserve the strong collaboration with US scientists.

“The clear intentions of the new US administration to restrict immigration from certain countries, limit communication by government scientists, and lend credibility to unproven claims in areas such as climate change or the safety of vaccines are at odds with cornerstones of the scientific process.

“At the occasion of the Annual General Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) with whom EuroScience has developed close ties we want to express our strong support for their efforts to unite the US scientific community in keeping the US position strong in all fields of science and in open communication and cooperation with science worldwide.“

Over the past several years the American Association for the Advancement of Science, EuroScience, the Chinese Association of Scientists, the Japanese Science and Technology Agency, the Brazilian Society for the Promotion of Science and the Korean Foundation for Science and Creativity have worked together to stress the importance of independent science advice and of public support for independent long-term research."The Royal Institution, the Royal Society, Sense About Science and the British Biophysical Society are among the UK organisations signing the letter.

Notes to Editors 

The following EuroScience spokespeople are available for interview. 

Peter Tindemans, Secretary General, EuroScience
T: 00 31  6 2044 19 45E: [email protected]

Raphaela Kitson-Pantano, Vice-President, EuroScience
T: 00 33 6 48 71 59 64E: [email protected]

Martin Andler, Vice-President, EuroScience
T: 00 33 6 62 35 31 48E: [email protected]

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