Change Makers: enabling high-impact research

06 Oct 2016 | Network Updates
The 2016 edition of the EFC Research Forum Conference will take place between 17 and 18 October in London

High-level representatives from institutional philanthropy, research funding institutions and other key stakeholders will join the conference to discuss and exchange insights and best practices in research, including its impact and the role of foundations in enabling it.

The concept of impact has infused itself over recent years into research cultures, policies and funding across Europe. A growing number of researchers now see themselves as change makers, trying to maximise the benefit of their work for wider society. There is also an ever more sophisticated array of metrics, indicators and tools to measure and evaluate impacts of all kinds. How is the landscape for impact changing? What new pathways to impact are emerging from both the supply side of researchers and funders, and the demand side of policymakers, decision makers and other users of evidence and expertise? Forum participants will explore and debate the role of philanthropy in designing, enabling and evaluating high-impact research.

Conference speakers include:

  • Clare Matterson, Director of Strategy, Wellcome Trust
  • Robert Madelin, outgoing Senior Adviser for Innovation, EPSC - European Commission
  • Jonathan Grant, Director, The Policy Institute at King’s College London

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