Leading business schools will analyse at ESADE the connections between Latin America and Europe during CLADEA 2014

03 Sep 2014 | Network Updates
The conference will take place at ESADE from 3 to 5 September and include deans and professors from Harvard Business School, Getulio Vargas Business School in Brazil and Universidad del Pacífico in Peru, amongst others

Strategic alliances and cooperation between regions are essential for success in a globalised world and CLADEA (the Latin American Council of Management Schools) aims to discuss these questions in its 49th CLADEA Annual Conference under the theme: ‘Leading in a Global World: Latin America and Europe – New Connections’.

Featured sessions

During three intense days, CLADEA 2014 will be the centre for an exchange of academic ideas. A session on Thursday 4 September will highlight the challenges facing a globalised world and feature the participation of Roberto Solano, President of CLADEA; Javier Solana, President of ESADEgeo; and Della Bradshaw, Business Education Editor of the Financial Times.

On Thursday afternoon, Michael Chu, professor at Harvard Business School and next head of the new Chair on Latin America at the same school, will be in charge of a session entitled: "In search of social impact investment: myth, bubble and reality." Chu is an expert on microfinance and will discuss poverty and the use of trading platforms in response to social problems.

On Friday 5 September, business connections between Latin America and Europe will be discussed in a session featuring José Manuel González, Director General of Bimbo Ibérica; and Jaume Guardiola, CEO of Banco Sabadell.

Gonzalez and Guardiola will discuss the development of their businesses and links with Latin America. Javier Santiso, professor of economics at ESADE, will also join the session.

Key meeting

The CLADEA Annual Conference is the major academic meeting focussing on Latin America. The 49th conference will bring together authorities such as Elsa del Castillo, director of Universidad del Pacífico in Perú; Javier Yáñez, dean of the Universidad de los Andes in Colombia School of Administration and Flavio Vasconcelos, dean of the Getulio Vargas Foundation - Brazilian School of Public Administration and Business (FGV-EBAPE).

Some 202 institutions from 30 countries in Latin America, North America, and Europe (including ESADE Business School) are members of CLADEA.

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