Turning scientists into managers and entrepreneurs: KIC InnoEnergy students at ESADE Summer School

23 Jul 2014 | Network Updates
54 international students from the European consortium KIC Innoenergy assist an intensive course at ESADE Business School

One of the challenges faced by any scientist with a potentially profitable idea is how to turn it into a sustainable business. Lack of management and marketing training, as well as a lack of experience in entrepreneurship, are handicaps when trying to bring an innovation to the market. The intensive Summer School Programme offered by ESADE Business School to KIC InnoEnergy students aims to help solve this problem.

During four weeks from 30 June, 54 international students from KIC InnoEnergy learn the basics of business administration, finance and entrepreneurship to complement the scientific education received at leading European universities – including: KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, Instituto Superior Técnico in Portugal, KU Leuven in Belgium, and Grenoble INP in France.

KIC InnoEnergy is a European consortium fostering the integration of education, technology, business and entrepreneurship, and aims to become a leading engine of innovation in the field of sustainable energy by helping to strengthen the culture of innovation. The consortium consists of 27 shareholders including businesses, research centres, universities, and two business schools. The consortium is committed to a seven-year business plan that will mobilise €700m of resources between 2011 and 2015.

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