Chalmers kicks-off The Reflecting Engineer lunch lectures

26 Mar 2014 | Network Updates
Chalmers Students for Sustainability (CSS) is proud to announce the start of their annual ”The Reflecting Engineer” lunch lectures. It started on March 25 with professor Jan Jörnmark, who talked about the global evolution of dense cities.

CSS hosts again The Reflecting Engineer (TRE), a series of lectures where students have the opportunity to discuss and reflect upon questions related to technology, sustainability and ethics.

CSS is a non-profit organization under Chalmers Student Union with the purpose of promoting education, cooperation and action for a sustainable development.

TRE is a high profile event, successfully running for four years with universities from all over Sweden. The lectures are held in English on the Chalmers campus, including a 40 min presentation and 20 min discussion. Usually 100+ guests attend those events and CSS provides free lunch for the first 100.

TRE has the vision to give students the opportunity to reflect upon issues related to technology, sustainability and ethics. The event should broaden the knowledge of the next change agents by showing them successful examples of sustainability integration in businesses.

Timeline for spring 2014

25/3, 12.00-13.00, lecture hall HC1, Hörsalsvägen
Jan Jörnmark: Global evolution of dense cities

2/4, 12.00-13.00, HA1
Håkan P Johansson, ABB: Infrastructure charging for electric vehicles/SMART grid

11/4, 12.00-13.00, HA1
Agneta Hammer, Stadsbyggnadskontoret: Transport habits

6/5, 12.00-13.00, HA1
Per Lanevik, Founder of SunFleet: Car sharing – The mobility solution for the future city?

9/5, 12.00-13.00, HA1
Emma Peterson, Terra Institute: Circular economy

13/5, 12.00-13.00, HA1
Alice Marshall, AddGender: Reflecting on gender equality in engineering (Skype lecture)

16/5, 12.00-13.00, HC1
Tomas Halberstad, Phonebloks: Moral responsibility of engineers

21/5, 12.00-13.00, HA1
Ulrica Gustafsson & Björn Malbert, Mistra Urban Futures: Mistra Urban Futures today - Challenges for making disciplines

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