BRUSSELS, 30 May 2013 – Anne Glover and Maria Da Graça Carvalho, two leading figures in European innovation policy, have been elected as guest members of a Brussels-based think tank on innovation policy, the Science|Business Innovation Board AISBL.
Glover is chief scientific adviser to European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, and Carvalho is a prominent member of the European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE).
The Board is a not-for profit scientific association that performs original research on EU innovation policy, organises four conferences a year on innovation policy, and runs the annual Academic Enterprise Awards to recognise Europe’s top university entrepreneurs. Members include Imperial College London, Microsoft, ESADE, BP, Aalto University, SKF, INSEAD, GE and Science|Business, a Brussels and London-based media and communications company. The Board’s recent research has included studies of open innovation, start-up investment, university governance, university-industry relations and high-growth entrepreneurship across Europe.
As guest members, Glover and Carvalho join Pat Cox, former president of the European Parliament, and John Wood, Secretary-General of the Association of Commonwealth Universities. They and the standing members meet periodically to initiate new research by the Board and present completed projects publicly. The Board’s objective is, through its research and events, to promote a better policy climate for innovation in Europe.
The Board is meeting today, 4 June, in the European Parliament for its annual Academic Enterprise Awards and conference. For further information on the event: