Chalmers offers free evaluation services for early stage innovations

25 Oct 2012 | Network Updates

Working in collaboration with Göteborg University, Chalmers is offering a free-of-charge idea evaluation service for early stage innovations. The service - now upgraded with a multidimensional approach for evaluation - supports research utilization for academic and industry innovators and is realized within the  Chalmers’ PhD.- and master-level course in Idea Evaluation. This offer is now extended to readers of Science|Business.

Selected innovation projects will be assessed by teams of five supervised master/PhD students applying tools and frameworks in the areas of IP strategy, market and risk analyses, and business model design and environmental sustainability. The idea provider will - by submitting the innovation for analysis - allow for 2-3 hour in total for calls/meetings with the analysis team - for gaining an optimal result.

A tool for research utilization

After analysis and presentation, the holder of the invention receives a full report for further use along with recommendations for further incubation of the innovation. All information is handled with secrecy through non-disclosure agreements and the reports stemming from the process are not public, only for the idea provider (and any innovation advisor connected to the idea) to recieve. Ideas, early innovations, research patents and projects, now have the opportunity of getting this thorough IE-analysis free of charge. The Idea Evaluation service is a tool for research utilization and without further commitment for the idea provider.

New multidimensional approach for Idea Evaluation

The service - as being integrated by the course "Idea Evaluation" - have been evolving and is currently equipped with six new "dimensions" for evaluation. The innovation idea is evaluated through the areas of IP, Market, Time, Biomimicry, C-K Theory and Sustainability. This year, the focus will be on innovation ideas having a potentially high transformative impact and contribute to sustainability.

For more information or to express interest in having your innovation evaluated, contact David Andersson, Innovation Advisor for Transformative and Sustainable Technologies at Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Office West.

Applications are accepted until December 21 2012 and all documentation for innovation idea submission can be found here:

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