Norway: International NTNU conference to focus on climate solutions through global cooperation

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Technoport 2012- Sharing Possiblities is an international conference focusing on climate solutions and on the potential offered by global cooperation. The conference gathers some of the world's brightest minds in research, industry, and politics for lectures, discussions and debates in Trondheim 16 - 18 April 2012. The main aim is to share ideas, develop contacts, and together find solutions to one of the greatest challenges of our time, the climate challenge.

Technoport invite you to register for Technoport 2012 - Sharing Possibilities, including the RERC 2012, and become part of a pioneering conference with close contact between researchers, industry, and decision-makers. Here, researchers will present what is technologically possible. Politicians and industry will respond with their views on what is feasible in the political and market context. One goal is to get new technologies to market faster and play a role in the transition to a green economy.

More information at

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