High-Tech Gründerfonds and Bayern Kapital Invest €600K in Lumatix GmbH

10 May 2011 | News

Erlangen-based start-up “Lumatix” brings investors High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) and Bayern Kapital on board. The approx. €600,000 in financing is intended mainly to finance further development and market entry.

Lumatix has developed a high-tech software solution that simulates how natural light behaves in the real world. What makes it special is that the Lumatix software takes only a few milliseconds (instead of minutes or hours as in the past) to perform a the light simulation and to generate a realistic, high-quality image on a normal PC. This is a feature needed by anyone who visualizes 3D data on a computer, including interior designers, 3D visualization specialists and the makers of 3D movies.

“Light is an integral component of every visualization. Using our software, customers can quickly and immediately create lighting effects instead of having to wait for a long time for simulation results as in the past,” summarizes Christian Heckl, CEO of Lumatix GmbH. “This is a great help, especially for customer presentations, because you can make design modifications immediately and then show them to the customer.” Lumatix already has a beta version of its software in use by pilot customers. Market entry is being planned for the summer of 2011.

“We see great potential in this software. It’s demonstrates innovative benefits for users of visualization software such as architects and game programmers, as well as in the fields of film production, design and advertising,” says Curtis MacDonald, Investment Manager at High-Tech Gründerfonds. Johanna Liebner, Senior Investment Manager at Bayern Kapital adds, “We found the team’s experience and dynamic especially convincing, – ultimately the success or failure of a start-up company of course depends on the people behind it.”

Intensive support from netzwerk nordbayern

The Erlangen-based Lumatix  R&D team was closely shepherded by netzwerk nordbayern. The business network provides support via intensive coaching, financing and preparation for investor talks with High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) and Bayern Kapital as well in planning and setting up the company structure.

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