TU Delft: Market launch of ACES winner Ephicas' fuel-saving SideWings

20 Apr 2011 | Network Updates

After four years of development, study and testing, the Ephicas SideWing, the aerodynamic side panel for semi-trailers, is ready to be launched on the market. From Tuesday 29 March to Thursday 31 March, the TU Delft spin-off Ephicas will be exhibiting at the Carrosserie Vakdagen trade fair in Hardenberg. All the partners that have tested the SideWing during the past year have already signed up as Ephicas customers. The spin-off is part of Yes!Delft, the entrepreneurs’ centre at TU Delft, and is a winner of the 2008 Academic Enterprise Award (ACES).

Test partners

For use at Ahold, GE TIP has equipped 15 semi-trailers with the new Ephicas SideWings. Peter Appel Transport has ordered 25 sets and The Greenery eight. Other companies planning to introduce the SideWing include TNT, Jan de Rijk Logistics and DHL. These are all major transport companies that will soon be enjoying the benefits of lower fuel costs and reduced CO2 emissions.


Ephicas developed the wing-shaped drag reducer for the lower part of the semi-trailer. It was scientifically tested in advance at TU Delft in order to develop the optimum shape. “Extensive practical and circuit tests have proved that the SideWing is a simple and effective way of reducing transport fuel costs,” says Ephicas’ Hessel Jongebreur. “The tests proved scientifically that 1.5 litres of fuel can be saved per hundred kilometres.”

As well as reducing CO2 emissions through lower fuel consumption, the Ephicas SideWing is also manufactured from an environmentally-friendly, lightweight plastic. It is manufactured in accordance with the latest environmental standards.


The side protection offered for the semi-trailer has been improved, which makes it safer for cyclists in city traffic. Trucks equipped with Ephicas SideWings also produce less spray water during rainy weather, reducing inconvenience for other road users.

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