Chalmers: EPIC 2011 innovation event to take place in Gothenburg, 1 June

05 Apr 2011 | Network Updates

EPIC 2011 is an exclusive event held on June 1, 2011 in Gothenburg Sweden. Attendees include EU investors, entrepreneurs, innovators, and CEO’s providing a great opportunity to network internationally. Top Scandinavian companies will also pitch to international Venture Capitalists during an interactive “Dragons Den” format. Attendees will also be able to participate in hands-on valuation modeling workshops held by Europe’s experts Venture Valuation.

Keynote presentations

 • Carl Bennet - Main Shareholder and Chairman of the Board of the listed companies Getinge AB and Elanders AB, and the private industrial group Lifco AB. Mr. Bennet is also the Chairman of the Board of the University of Gothenburg.

• Anders Jansson – CEO, Minesto. Their product Deep Green is a new concept of using tidal power plants, and this invention was ranked one of the top 50 inventions in 2010 according to Time Magazine.

• Johan Ohlsson - Senior Consultant at Venture Valuation Inc., a company specializing in valuation of high growth companies and products in biotechnology/life sciences. 

• Some of EU’s top Venture Capitalists

• Gregory Carson and Bo Hallgren (how to raise capital in Silicon Valley and sales and development)

About the European Partnership for Innovation Capital (EPIC)

EPIC was formed in 2010 out of a growing challenge facing Scandinavian innovations for global expansion. Gregory Carson is the founder, who is the Principle at Ocean Bridge Capital and a project leader at the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Gothenburg. He has arranged several similar events and has experience both from the entrepreneurial side and as an investor. 

We are working to further innovation growth and international expansion through proper access to capital.  We do this by having an open network of global and local organizations.  The aim is to annually host several International investment related conferences, squarely focused on capital investment into innovation.  As a part of these events, we actively develop and coach innovation leaders (intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs) to enable them to attract capital."

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