TU Delft: Collaboration with major drinking water company

18 Jan 2011 | Network Updates

The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG) of TU Delft signed two extensive contracts this month in the field of research in the water chain.

A cooperation was entered into with drinking water company Vitens in the field of drinking water research, and a new chair of Innovative Water Technology will be set up at the Faculty's Water Management department. Vitens will provide an annual, 200.000 euro financial contribution and TU Delft will see to staffing and facilities.

In cooperation with the sewerage sector and Stichting RIONED, an extensive knowledge programme will be set up in the field of Urban Drainage over the next five years and fundamental investment in education will take place. The total contribution from the sector amounts to approximately 400.000 euro annually.

The two parties signed the agreements in Delft during the 63rd Vakantiecursus [Summer Holiday Course], the Dutch water industry's annual networking symposium, by Dean Prof. ir. Louis de Quelerij, director of Stichting RIONED Hugo Gastkemper and chairman of the board of directors ir. Rik van Terwisga of Vitens.


Vitens is the Netherlands largest drinking water company and provides the provinces of Friesland, Overijssel, Flevoland, Gelderland and Utrecht and a number of municipalities in the provinces of Noord-Holland and Drenthe with drinking water. Both parties are of the opinion that knowledge development for 'Innovative water technology' in the drinking water supply chain is an essential precondition for retaining the high quality of drinking water both nationally and internationally. The research will focus on integral, sustainable approaches to the sub-fields of sources, purification and distribution.

The cooperation agreement coincides with the appointing of two new part-time professors at the Drinking water chair. Dr. ir. Jan Peter van der Hoek MBA, director of Waternet, the Amsterdam water company's strategic centre and Prof. ir. Walter van der Meer, member of the board of directors of drinking water company Vitens will lead the drinking water research together with Prof. ir. Luuk Rietveld.

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