NTNU establishes joint energy research centre with China

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NTNU has been establishing contacts with leading Chinese universities in the field of energy research and following five years of close contact involving joint seminars and workshops, partly funded by the Research Council of Norway, NTNU has signed agreements to establish joint research centres (JRC) with Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Tsinghua University in Beijing.

“We believe that the next generation of energy technology will be developed and deployed in Asia, with China playing a central role,” says Arne Bredesen of NTNU. “Our institution can also play a part in this process. That is why we are now developing long-term strategic cooperation with Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Tsinghua University,” he says.

Joint research centres have a privileged position in China. “We hope that the status afforded by the Joint Research Centre agreements will make it easier to obtain funding for specific collaborative projects,” Bredesen said.

Professors and research fellows in China and Norway will work together on projects to find answers to concrete problems, in some cases with collaboration from industrial companies. The research is expected to result in joint high-level publications.

“The knowledge we produce could also lead to the development of new fields of study, that form the basis for the establishment of new joint courses and study programmes. In time, we are planning to establish widespread cooperation between Norwegian and Chinese students, as well as to facilitate significant exchange of personnel, so that the centre becomes a truly joint effort,” said Bredesen.

He added, “The aim is to work together to create a world-leading science and technology centre for research, innovation and education in the field of sustainable energy. This is reflected in our common vision: enough clean energy for a sustainable and peaceful society.”

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