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Despite recent controversies over patenting of business methods, software and biological materials derived from plants and animals – and a history of sometimes bizarre and useless patented inventions – patents are one of the keys to commercialisation of R&D.
The following links are intended to help potential applicants to obtain and protect patents in Europe. The links provide resources on patents at both the European and national levels, and cover everything from basic information about patent legislation to procedures for patent applications and protection.
Introductory | Europe-wide organisations | National offices and organisations | Regulations and procedures | Searches
For anyone who has no knowledge of patents, the Wikipedia article on patents is as good a place to start as any. A number of the sites listed below also provide information on the basics related to patents.
The following sites provide general information on European and international patent matters.
World Intellectual Property Organisation
Europe-wide organisations
There are several professional organisations dealing with patent matters.
Center for International Industrial Property Studies
European Federation of Agents of Industry in Industrial Property
Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys
National offices and organisations
The following is a listing of national patent offices in European countries as well as associations of patent lawyers and other professionals in the field.
Austrian Association of Patent Owners and Inventors
Austrian Patent Bar Association
Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria
Belgian Patent Office (Ministry of Economic Affairs)
Czech Republic
Czech Patent and Trademark Office
Association of Danish Industrial Property Executives
Danish Patent and Trademark Office
Association of Finnish Patent Attorneys
National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland
Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (France)
French Institute of Industrial Property Attorneys
Association of German Patent Engineers
Federal Association of German Patent Attorneys
German Patent and Trademark Office
Service Organization for German Patent Attorneys
Helenic Industrial Property Organisation
Association of Patent and Trademark Attorneys in Ireland
Association of Italian Patent and Trademark Attorney in Industry
Italian Patent and Trademark Office
Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia
The State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania
Service de la Propriété Intellectuelle (Luxembourg)
Bureau voor de Industriële Eigendom (The Netherlands)
Dutch Institute of Patent Attorneys
Patent Office of the Republic of Poland
Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys
Portuguese Patent and Trademark Office
Slovak Republic
Chamber of Patent Agents of the Slovak Republic
Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic
Association of Spanish Patent Attorneys
Spanish Patent and Trade Mark Office
Association of Patent Attorneys in Swedish Industry
Association of Swedish Patent Attorneys
Swedish Patent and Registration Office
United Kingdom
Chartered Institute of Patent Agents
The United Kingdom Patent Office
Regulations and procedures
The flowing links provide information on patent procedures and regulations. Details for applications for individual countries may be found on the respective patent office sites.
Patent Examination Guidelines of EPOAncillary Regulations to the European Patent Convention
National Law relating to the EPC
PCT Applicant's Guide
The following sites, mostly from law firms, provide information on specific EU countries. However, given that many patent lawyers deal with both patents matters at both the European level and also with individual jurisdictions, their websites often provide information on both aspects. In addition to the basics of patent matters, often in the form of FAQs, many law firms also publish articles and newsletters that cover specific aspects of patent law and the latest developments in the field. The sites are chosen purely on the basis of their content, and selection is no recommendation of the firm.
Czech Republic
Grunecker, Kinkerldey, Stockmair & Scwanhausser
Gulde, Hengelhaupt, Ziebig & Schneider
Buzzi, Notaro & Antoneli d’Oulx
United Kingdom
While there are a number of commercial patent search services, the following sites are free. It is also often possible to carry out searches on the websites of national patent offices.
European Patent Office Patent Information
World Intellectual Property Organisation Intellectual Property Digital Library